Image of nave aisle from back

We are open for in-person worship at 7:30 am and 11:00 am; Thursdays 11:30 am. (Note new times as of December 1, 2024)

Many of these services will be available via YouTube or online screening afterwards. Join our email list for updates and notifications: rectory (at) allsaintswindsor (dot) ca

Our usual services are as follows:
Said Service of Holy Eucharist: Sundays 7:30 am

Spoken Service from the Book of Common Prayer.
This service is located in the historic Girl Guide Chapel adjacent to the main sanctuary.
This is a quiet, reflective service for those that want an early start to their Sunday.

Choral Service of Holy Eucharist: Sundays 11:00 am

Held in the main sanctuary, this service is from the Book of Alternative Services which features contemporary language and choral and congregational singing. Special guest musicians and soloists supplement the music ministry of our organist and choir.

Thursday Lunchtime Worship: Thursdays 11:30 am

Join us Thursdays at 11:30 am for worship in the Good Shepherd/Girl Guide Chapel at All Saints’ Anglican Church.

Silent Circle of Prayer
In the church Narthex Mondays at 7 pm. Contact David Carle via the church office for details.

Online options continue.

Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals also available. Please call the church for consultation: 519-253-8001

Please call the office at 519-253-8001 for worship materials if you can’t join us in person.

Come Find Your Spiritual Heart

You will find a warm welcome at our services of worship at All Saints’.   We are a church that strives to be inclusive of all in the broadest sense of that word.  All ages of people are involved in our worship life.  Our services of worship are Anglican in tradition, yet at times with a twist of creativity expressed through song, word, or symbol.  We are a sacramental congregation gathering around the Lord’s Table every Sunday, sharing the bread and cup in remembrance of Jesus.  During the holy season of Lent, we feature a series of worship and reflections. Check our News and Events for more details.

We are members of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Click here for more information about the Anglican Church of Canada.

Regionally, we are governed by the Diocese of Huron.