Community Outreach at All Saints’ is an attitude, a mission that permeates every activity in the church.

Many acts of outreach occur that are individual, low key, private and discreet. However, there are also specific church activities which involve members in ministry that makes a difference.

New ministries include the Conversation Cafe with new Canadians, helping to stock neighbourhood food cupboards, and reconciliation efforts with Indigenous communities.

The Soup Shack in partnership with Feeding Windsor-Essex shares outside space at All Saints’. Volunteers and donations welcome.
We also support the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

See also information about our Skate Program.

A diverse group of people sitting around a table in the Parish Hall of the church, chatting.The Conversation Cafe matches volunteers with newcomers for practice in speaking English and fellowship. It meets at the church at 3:30 pm Wednesday. Volunteers welcome.






Here is a recent offsite gathering at Malden Park (the children were playing elsewhere!)

Photo of several people of various races and ages smiling. Standing in a park on a sunny day.

Conversation Cafe Reunion at Malden Park. October 2024

We host space for ACT Theatre supporting the arts for diverse youth and seniors.