As you may have heard the province will very shortly enter Step 2 of its current framework. Your Wardens, Re-opening Coordinator, and myself have determined that July 11th, 2021 will be the date that we can most safely and appropriately re-gather in our beloved space.

The Bishop’s office and public health officials have provided much guidance and instituted many precautions to allow us to gather as safely as possible. Joan Carter, Office Manager and Re-opening Coordinator, has been working hard to again align our space and customs with the new requirements.

Our plan is to offer worship onsite at both 8am (spoken Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion) and 10am (musically accompanied Book of Alternative Service Holy Communion) on Sundays and at 11:30am on Thursdays (Holy Communion).

There is a limit of 50 people per service and that includes any musicians and clergy. So, we’ll need to hear from you for each service you plan to attend. Please call the office (519-253-8001) and speak with Joan or one of the volunteers to reserve your spot.

Second, please bring a mask to wear during the service. It will need to be worn for the duration of the shortened service (removed only briefly to take communion). We have a limited supply of disposable masks for visitors and those who forget.

Communion will consist of the bread, distributed safely in individual portions. We will not share the common cup of wine at this time. Prayers will be made available for those who feel uncomfortable partaking of the bread.

Weather permitting, the outdoor September service traditionally associated with Open Streets will be outside on the Square as has become our custom, despite the uncertainty of Open Streets running.

The team that you have become accustomed to seeing on Sundays since way back in March 2020 will be continuing to offer an online worship opportunity each week for those staying at home. Additionally, we will return to livestreams and archives of the Sunday services from All Saints’.

As with everything in the midst of the current crisis, all plans are subject to change based on the latest advice from public health officials and instructions from the Bishop’s office.

Last, I wish to offer my sincere thanks to Joan Carter, Office Manager/Re-opening Coordinator for her stalwart service in preparing for our return to onsite worship.


The Rev’d Robert Clifford
