March 19, 2020
My dear siblings in Christ,
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.”
I do hope that you are keeping well in these upside-down days.
Please persist in prayer for the Wilkinson and Arthurs families as they mourn the deaths of The Rev’d Don Bardwell and June Arthurs. “Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.”
My colleagues and I have been busy putting together a worship option for you for Sunday. The panel discussion sermon is being contemplated and prayed about even now. Please find attached the readings, prayers, and bulletin for the Facebook live Service of the Word. That worship will be transmitted at 10am on Sunday, March 22nd here –
Downloadable bulletin is available through this link. 20-0322 Lent IV – Facebook Live Worship Outline.
Also, I’ve attached some prayer resources produced by some very talented colleagues from across the country – a youth bulletin that would be fun for kids of all ages and a Morning Prayer service that would be great for families or individuals to pray around the kitchen table. Light a candle and join Church militant here on earth in prayer.
The All Saints’ community continues to minister in Christ’s name. Intentional telephone visits are scheduled for everyone on the parish list. A newsletter for Easter is in the pipeline to help us stay in touch and celebrate the ministry we undertake in the community.
Please do prayerfully send in your customary offerings this week as we persist in the work of building up the Kingdom of God. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” We know our need of the community of the Body of Christ even more acutely in these trying days. Please support our efforts by mailing your envelop (330 City Hall Square West, Windsor ON N9A 1J3), enrolling in Pre-Authorized giving (complete bank debit or credit card form attached and mailed to the church), or by clicking through to CanadaHelps (
Do realize that you are in my prayers and I have the parish list in front of me to name you in my intentions.
So, worship, visiting, and prayer continues – join me in these ministries, won’t you?
Links to resources here: