O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! (Psalm 95:6)
Hello my beloved siblings in Christ, (the full intended email this time)
We are called in scripture to worship and prayer.
Thursday at 11:30am, during our customary mid-week worship time slot, I will be attempting an experiment in electronic worship via Zoom. I invite you to join me via the Zoom application by video from your computer / iPad / mobile or by telephone.
If you will join us by video, simply click the link below and follow the instructions to sign up for a free Zoom account.
To join us by telephone, dial 647-374-4685 and when you are prompted enter the meeting ID: 318 293 502. To minimize the long distance charges, please call from a phone with an appropriate calling plan.
I will use the Book of Common Prayer service of morning prayer, as that is the one that more people will have siting on the shelf. The service will last approximately 40 minutes.
Topic: Thursday Worship
Time: 11:15am (event link opens), 11:30am (Worship begins)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 318 293 502
Please join me for worship, as you are able.