Here is the worship service for this day. Links to downloadable pdfs of the bulletins are below
Here is the downloadable pdf of the bulletin for this service including readings, hymn lyrics and announcements: 21-0214 Epiphany+6b Last After Epiphany BULLETIN
The Youth Bulletin pdf file for download is here: Youth Bulletin Transfiguration
Don’t forget the food drive afterwards! Here is the link for more information. https://allsaintswindsor.ca/drive-thru-food-drive-special-need-request/
Message from our Rector:
My dear siblings in Christ,
I hope you are staying emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy this weekend. Please persist in deepening your faith by prayer, study of scripture, and worship. Please also find ways to work for God’s peace and justice.
In-person church gatherings continue to be suspended for the time being. Stay tuned to your emails for updates from me related to new permissions after the province relaxes its restrictions.
Please know that I pray for each of you by name throughout the week. I am open to prayer requests, too – please feel free to send those to my confidential email or mobile number listed below. Please hold the family of Sheldon Taylor (Irene Moore Davis’ father-in-law) in your prayers, as he was laid to rest this past Friday – https://windsorstar.remembering.ca/obituary/sheldon-taylor-1081600842
We’ve come to the Last Sunday after Epiphany/Transfiguration Sunday. As has become our pattern in times when we cannot gather onsite, we will worship live together via Facebook Live at this link – https://www.facebook.com/events/443480637007722 .
The link will go live at approximately 9:50am Sunday and worship will get underway at 10am. The bulletin and the readings for Sunday can be found on our website – 21-0214 Epiphany+6b Last After Epiphany BULLETIN. Please take some time to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the scriptures. Your comments to the Facebook discussion and learnings are appreciated and may be offered into the broadcast. I’ve also attached a “Youth Bulletin” based on the lectionary from a colleague for your enjoyment – fun for all ages.
The service will also be uploaded to YouTube by noon. Please head over to the St. Augustine of Canterbury YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fEF6YPcSy8GWpMOk6-iow) and subscribe for notification of this and future releases.
Also this Sunday, we are helping to fulfill a special request from the Unemployed Help Centre for lunch supplies (peanut butter and jam/canned protein), but of course any non-perishable food will be gratefully accepted. The collection at All Saints’ is from Noon to 12:30pm. If you miss us there, we’ll be at St. Augustine (Wyandotte East) from 1 – 1:30pm and St. James’ (Roseland) from 2 – 2:30pm. Please see the poster on our website – https://allsaintswindsor.ca/drive-thru-food-drive-special-need-request/
Please do feel free to share these resources with your friends. All are welcome.
I look forward to “seeing” you Sunday.