We’ve come to the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. We will also worship together via Facebook Live at this link – https://www.facebook.com/events/414481886541368
The link will go live at approximately 9:50am Sunday and worship will get underway at 10am. The bulletin and the readings for Sunday can be downloaded here: 21-0808 Pentecost+11b ONLINE BULLETIN
Please take some time to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the scriptures. Your comments to the Facebook discussion and learnings are appreciated and may be offered into the broadcast. A“Youth Bulletin” based on the lectionary from a German colleague for your enjoyment – fun for all ages.
Also, please do remember to bring in your contributions to the Drive Through Food Drive in support of the Canterbury College Welcome Basket ministry – Food Drive – August 8, 2021. Contributions may be brought to church and left in the baskets or drive through at noon for contactless drop off.