Everyone is welcome!
All Saints in-person worship is now available on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:00. No registration needed. This week, we are commemorating Remembrance Sunday and All Souls’ Day (see poster and information below).
You are still invited to join us for online worship via The Sent: God’s Church Deployed. The online worship will occur at 11:30am – on YouTube and Facebook Live.
The Facebook Live link is here: https://www.facebook.com/deployed.for.god
The YouTube link is here: https://youtu.be/krzDWzGEM0Q
Here is a link to the downloadable pdf file for the service bulletin: 22-1106 All Saints ONLINE BULLETIN(1)
Here is a link to the downloadable pdf file of the youth bulletin: Youth Bulletin 23 after Pentecost
The missal stand on the central altar today is given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of George Edward Gates, a casualty in WW2 from this parish buried in the Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery. The Calgary parish he attended just prior to deployment released the memorial missal stand to All Saints’ in 2021 after they reorganized.
The Field Communion Kit used in today’s worship was issued to Captain the Reverend Walter L. Brown, Curate at All Saints’ 1938-1940, by the Canadian Army Chaplain Service in 1941. Rev’d Brown was the first Canadian chaplain to land at Juno Beach on D-Day and buried some of that day’s first casualties. Captured and executed mere days later by the retreating German army, Rev’d Brown’s remains were recovered at the side of a French road and buried in Deny-sur-Mer among the soldiers he served.