How does one live faithfully in 2103? Another question, why should one live faithfully? Our Nurture Committee chose this theme for our Wednesday at Noon Lenten Series. Beginning with Ash Wednesday (Feb. 13) gifted people will offer their reflections based on this theme through word or music.
While spending time with people who are fighting an illness, I have often heard the remark ‘I
am so grateful for my faith. I do not know how people without faith deal with all of this.’ Faithful people find strength and comfort through their prayer and the prayer offered for them by others. They also recall the promise of a new day, of resurrection. Whether we live or die, we are with God.
People find the promise of resurrection has meaning for this life too. God constantly works to
bring something good out of our times of trial. God does not create our suffering. I think we do pretty well at that one ourselves. God is with us, should we open our hearts to the divine presence.
Some people discern a new direction for their lives while they are stuck at home recovering from
surgery or one of the viruses that circulate these days. Slow days, time to reflect, prayer, and silence are gifts to busy people, but our initial reaction is to fight against such limitations when we are ill. We have things to do and people to see!
Once we accept our circumstance and surrender to the healing process, we may discover the peace of God-with-us. Strength rises like a phoenix from the ashes of adversity.
Some times people experience reconciled relationships through their recovery. We are able to put
old grudges aside when someone needs us. Thanks be to God!
Altering the pace of our lives does not need to happen only when forced upon us. We discover new life after a long, relaxing vacation or a month of healthy, prayerful living.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is quoted as saying, ‘Christianity is not about religion – it is about making
humanity, and making it as God intended it to be.’
The holy season of Lent provides us with forty days of paying attention to our life. Are we living as God intended? In what way can we refocus our priorities, better use our energy?
Pray, discern, listen, worship, ponder the scriptures, share your thoughts with another. Food for
the journey.