All are welcome to join in-person and/or online worship!
Allelulia, He is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Saturday, April 16 Great Vigil of Easter: All Saints’ Downtown Windsor: 8:15 pm

Sunday, April 17 Sunrise Easter Morning Prayers (in-person or online): Reaume Park 6:30 am
Here is the link to the Sunrise Service:

Here is a downloadable pdf file of the bulletin for the Sunrise Service: 22-0417 Easter Sunrise Service Ordo (1)

Resurrection Eucharist:

All Saints’ Downtown: 8:00 am (in person)
10:00 am (in person)

The Sent: God’s Church Deployed (online) 11:30 am
Here is a downloadable pdf file of the bulletin: 22-0417 Easter c ONLINE BULLETIN

Here is the link to Easter Sunday online 11:30 apm worship on YouTube:

Here is the link to Easter Sunday 11:30 worship on Facebook:


Here is a downloadable file of the youth bulletin: Youth Bulletin Easter