Graphic announcing Aug 9 worship. Picture of a cross of light and sunset

Online Worship – August 9

From our Rector: We’ve come to the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. The link to find us on Facebook live is –    Please click here for downloadable pdf files of the bulletins: Online church bulletin/order of service: 20-0809 Pentecost+10a...

graphic of flowers and welcome text

Online Sunday Worship August 2nd

From our Rector: We’ve come to the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. This week we will worship via YouTube premier at 10am –    The link will go live in the “discussion” tab at approximately 9:50am tomorrow and worship will...

Graphic saying Nothing can Separate Us from God's Love. July 26

Online Sunday Worship July 26

Join the rectors of St James Roseland, All Saints Downtown Windsor, Southern Trinity Parish and St Augustine of Canterbury as they lead the online community in prayers and praise. The YouTube link for the July 26 service is here:...