The Sent: God’s Church Deployed: We are encouraged to engage in a deeper prayer life during our Lenten Journey

Join us for mid-week worship every Wednesday in Lent at 7:00 pm via Facebook Live or  Zoom: followed by YouTube videos as we offer a sung service of Evening Prayer for the gathered community from our online worship space.

Here is the downloadable pdf bulletin for Wednesday, March 24: 2021 Compline BULLETIN
And the insert for the March 24 service is in this downloadable pdf bulletin: 21-0324 Evening Prayer INSERT

Here is a downloadable pdf bulletin suitable for each service: Lent 2021 Evening Prayer BULLETIN

Here is the weekly insert for Wednesay, March 17:

Here is the weekly insert for Wednesday, March 10: 21_0310_Evening_Prayer_INSERT

Here is the weekly insert for Wednesday, March 3: 21-0303 Evening Prayer INSERT

Here is the weekly insert for Wednesday, February 24: 21-0224 Evening Prayer INSERT

There is a Lenten Series on YouTube on The Sent channel: the latest on Mindfulness and Meditation is here:


Here is the downloadable Lenten Calendar for your reference. Lenten Calendar of Prayer & Giving

And below jpg versions: