All Saints’ is a spiritual home for all ages! Adult volunteers for all levels have been fully screened and work in pairs for your child’s safety. Children spend a bit of time with our priest at the beginning of Sunday worship, then proceed with their leaders to the Church School rooms. They return to their families during the Offertory Hymn so that they are able to participate in the Eucharist.  All baptised people are invited to receive Communion (consecrated bread and wine) regardless of age. Unsure about your child’s readiness for the sacrament of holy Eucharist/Communion?  Speak to our priest.


Spend time learning about Jesus and God’s creation in a playful and safe setting.

Church School

A program called “One Room Sunday School” creating dynamic, bible-based sessions to engage school aged children up to grade 6 in the life and ministry of Jesus, prophets and people of the Hebrew scriptures, and seek to participate in God’s hope.


Our Youth Program involves young people in high school, college, or university.  Led by a high school student and our Chaplain to Youth, the teenagers pray together, share their concerns, and ponder the scriptures for meaning.  They do participate in Windsor/Essex Deanery youth events.

Huron Church Camp

We are affiliated with Huron Church Camp through the Diocese of Huron. HCC is a sacred and joy-filled place. It provides children and youth with a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment in which to encounter and celebrate the wonder and adventure of themselves in God’s creation. All Saints’ Windsor has sponsored many young people with a gift of a summer of wonderful memories at HCC!
For more information on Huron Church Camp, see their website here.