All Saints’ Anglican Church, City Hall Square
330 City Hall Square West, Windsor ON N9A 1J3
For Immediate Release
All Saints’ Anglican Church to Toll Bell in Honour of Prince Phillip
All Saints’ Anglican Church (330 City Hall Square West, Windsor), in response to the recent death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, will toll its historic bell 99 times.
The rector and parishioners of All Saints’ will offer prayers at their regular Thursday 11:30am service via Zoom.
To participate please email the parish for the Zoom links ([email protected]).
In honour of The Prince being in his 100th year of life the church bell will be tolled beginning at 1:00 pm. The bell will toll every minute until 2:39 pm.
“Our sympathy and prayers are extended as well to the entire Royal family. The loss of such a beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather will be deeply felt. May the faith that has so sustained [Your Majesty] and [His Highness] in both personal and public challenges continue to … guide and hope. In this Eastertide we remember that in life or in death nothing is stronger than the love of God through Christ our Lord.”, The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada said in her message of
condolence to the Queen.
“We will remember Prince Phillip as the constant companion of 73 years of the Queen and give thanks for his years of service to Her Majesty and more than 800 charities. His Christian faith and service to so many are a model to which we can aspire.” The Rev’d Robert Clifford, Rector of All Saints’ Anglican said.
The bell tolling will be undertaken in a COVID-conscious way in the midst of the current orders. A very small number of masked and distanced parish volunteers will toll the bell from the narthex of the church. The Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit has permitted safe outdoor exercise/recreation and outdoor religious observances. The public is invited to spend the time reflecting in City Hall and Charles Clark Squares at 2 meters distance from each other.
For information contact The Rev’d Robert Clifford, Rector
(519) 318-4430 or [email protected]
Download the pdf file of the release here: 21-0414 Press Release re Prince Phillip