graphic of flowers and welcome text

From our Rector:

We’ve come to the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. This week we will worship via YouTube premier at 10am – 
The link will go live in the “discussion” tab at approximately 9:50am tomorrow and worship will get underway at 10am. I’ve attached the bulletin and the readings for Sunday. Please take some time to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the scriptures. Your comments to the Facebook discussion and learnings are appreciated and may be offered into the broadcast. The Rev’d Sharla Malliff will be preaching this week.
Please head over to the St. Augustine of Canterbury YouTube channel ( and subscribe for notification of this and future releases. Our combined services are uploaded to that channel to comply with the terms of the online streaming licenses we are relying on for the music that have been purchased through that parish.
I’ve also attached a “Youth Bulletin” based on the lectionary from a colleague for your enjoyment – fun for all ages.
Bishop Todd offers periodic reflections on lectionary readings and other topics – he is in the midst of a sermon series on the Book of Genesis. Please do subscribe to the Diocese of Huron channel for videos from Bishop Todd and others –

Bulletin links are below:

20-0802 Pentecost IXa (Bulletin)

Youth Bulletin 9 after P